Page 8 - Winter2023
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                        Valley View ISD Counseling Department | Winter 2023

                                Retrieved and adapted 12/2023 from:
  Boundaries are our lists of   Spending time with family during the holidays can  Practice Mindfulness
  what’s okay and not okay.     be stressful. Memories of childhood events can re-  As much as we focus, resent, or guilt ourselves
  Setting boundaries can help   open old wounds, and, sometimes new wounds   about the past, the truth is, we only have right now.
  you find peace within yourself  can be created. You may think that this may only
  and help you avoid            happen in problematic families; however, this may  Feeling anxious about the future or guilty about the
  uncomfortable situations and  happen in families that appear to be well-adjusted  past will not allow us to enjoy our present. Try
  feelings.                     and getting along. Unvoiced resentments from the  focusing on your current needs and what is
                                past can linger behind a mask of normalcy.  Here  happening at this very moment and enjoy. Don‘t
  Here are some tips for healthy  are some simple tips you can use this holiday  think of yesterday or tomorrow. Enjoy today.
  boundaries:                   season to enjoy and relax with your family.  Have a Lifeline

  Put up a wall but also open   Prepare a “Self-Care” Plan                   Hearing a friendly voice after spending time with
  a door:                       In advance, decide how much time you want to  difficult family members can be relieving from those
  “I can’t do ___, but I would be  interact with specific difficult family members and  distressing feelings that come with becoming
  willing to ___ instead.”      determine your boundaries and limits. An example  triggered. Make plans ahead of time to spend with
                                of a boundary for you might be to decide what  those friends in your life that support and care for
  Clarity is kind & helpful:    topics are off-limits.                       you. Processing stress with a friend can usually be
  “I need to take some space for                                             therapeutic on its own.
  my own well-being.”           Practice Answers to Triggers                 You’re Not the Only One
                                We all have topics that we would like to avoid
  You don’t need to justify:    because they trigger us; however, it is important  Holidays are supposed to be joy and peace;
  “No, thank you.”                                                           however, it is crucial to understand that others may
                                to expect that they may come up. If your sister is  be hurting during this time. You may not be the
  Gratitude goes a long way:    still mad at you for inheriting your late mother‘s  only one who is feeling stress, anxious, or
                                home, think ahead and prepare how you will
  “Thank you for the invite. I  handle it. For example, one strategy is to   depressed during this season. Be thoughtful when a
  won’t be able to make it.”                                                 family member manifests upset or frustration, keep
                                “redirect“, which is changing the topic of
                                conversation. Another option is to give an   perspective, and do not take things personally.
                                empathetic answer with assertiveness. For    Set Your Sights on What You Enjoy
                                example, “I understand why that would still upset
                                you; however, we can have that conversation  Sometimes, we have to intentionally schedule an
                                another time.“                               activity that we are sure to enjoy.  If you are invited
                                                                             to someone‘s home, plan a game or activity you like
                                Let Go of Resentments                        that you know will ensure fun and engagement.  At
                                                                             times, family members engage in arguments
                                It is difficult but important to also limit our own  because there is simply free time. Filling up the time
                                grievances. Decide what resentments you are
                                willing to let go of for the day. Being around family  with joyous games and activities can definitely
                                members can bring back difficult memories;   prevent some difficult conversations.
                                however, we get to decide what to focus on.  Also, if spending time with family is anxiety
                                Choose to simply enjoy everyone‘s company and  provoking, schedule a get-together with friends
                                decide to put distressing feelings or memories  after. Knowing you have something to look forward
                                aside for another time. If you need to confront  to can give you a little extra bump to get you
                                Aunt Maria about something that hurt you,    through time with difficult family personalities.
                                address it after the family get-together.    Family get-togethers are often a mixed bag of
                                Remember, the holidays are supposed to be about  emotions, but learning to enjoy this time can make
                                love and peace. We can put war off for another  it easier.
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