Page 3 - ValleyViewJAN2018
P. 3



                                         NOTHING LESS
         Rolando Ramirez

           AR Challenge

           Reading is extremely important in the lives of   2016/2017 1st-3rd Six Weeks
           our students and in the success of our district.
           It is the one subject that extends into all the     AR Points By Campus
           other subject areas. In an effort to promote
           reading, the district has undertaken the Accel-
           erated Reader (AR) STAR Challenge.  Through
           student and teacher incentives and staff com-
           petition, we improved performance in our AR
           program.  The word is out to read, read, read!!
           Top AR students for the district are taken to
           Main Event for lunch and to play laser tag,
           gravity ropes, and bowling along with a $20
           shopping spree at our local Walmart.

           Academics &


           Our students and staff are performing better
           on our district benchmark assessments at this   Campus      2016        2017       Improvement
           time  compared  to  last  year.  Our  student  &   Elementary  33,203   46,009     + 12,806
           staff  attendance  has  improved  compared  to   High School    8,801   33,520     + 24,719
           last year, as well.  As we find better and more   Lucas     21,944      30,630     + 8,686
           interesting ways to engage our students, our   Early College   10,562   26,652     + 16,090
           efforts are paying off.  Everyone is working as a   5th Gd. Campus   19,123   26,134   + 7,011
           team with a positive attitude ensuring that we   South      17,589      25,032     + 7,443
           dedicate ourselves for a brighter future for our   North    19,136      23,202     + 4062
           students. Without a doubt our students and   Junior High    14,784      20,245     + 5461
           staff are living up to this year’s district theme                                                     SUPERINTENDENT
           of Success, and Nothing Less!

                               Beautification of the District
                              5th Grade Campus/Junior High Roads: Our Maintenance Department has been working hard
                              to construct the 5th Grade Campus and Junior High roads behind each campus. This assists in the
                              student drop-offs at each of these campuses and provides an easy access to the entrances and exits
                              of the campuses for our parents.
                              5th Grade Campus Student Area: The 5th Grade Campus is our oldest building. Preserving our Valley
                                                     View history and promoting Tiger pride is critical in instilling pride, an ethic
                                                     of hard work, and character in our students.
                                                                                                                 SUCCESS, NOTHING LESS 3
                                                     Electronic Marquee Initiative: Each campus and department, with
                                                     the assistance of our Board of Trustees and PTOs, is fundraising to buy
                                                     electronic marquees. The marquees at each campus and central office
                                                     will enhance district and community communication by keeping stu-
                                                     dents and parents informed of upcoming events, deadlines, and the
                                                     latest district news.
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