Page 11 - ValleyViewJAN2018
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              Lucas Elementary Student Council                                                                  LUCAS ELEMENT

                      Conducts Annual Food Drive                                                                ARY

       We have so many reasons to be thankful all year long and our students love to take this time of year to reflect on some of those
       reasons. One of our many reasons to be thankful is because of the Lucas Elementary school community.  Our Student Council’s
       mission is to “give back” the school community. This year, we had the opportunity to serve people and vulnerable animals in need
       by sponsoring a weeklong food collection.
       Each year, we are amazed at the outpouring of love and generosity. This time was no exception.  Student Council reached out to   SUCCESS, NOTHING LESS 11
       students and parents for donations of non-perishable food items and collected 1500 items.

       The Hidalgo Police Department and Yaqui Animal Rescue took the food donations to help people and pets in need.  The class with
       the most food items collected won a Pizza Party.  The winning class was Mrs. Orozco’s class.  They collected over 299 food items.
       Congratulations to the Kinder students!  Thank you, Everyone, for supporting our school.
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