Page 10 - VVISD Return to School Plan
P. 10

What to Expect in 2020-2021

        ●    Make all decisions through the lens of health and safety for both students and staff.
        ●    Begin the 20-21 with distance learning as we continue to monitor the Covid 19 increases in the RGV.
        ●    Continue planning for distance learning and in-person learning as directed by TEA. (Friday: TEA update-3
             additional weeks)
        ●    Face coverings (e.g., masks, shields) are required to be worn by all staff and students while on campus, with
             limited exceptions.
               ○    PK-K students will wear face coverings in hallways, common areas and during arrival and dismissal.
               ○    1st -12th-grade students will wear face masks while at school.
        ●    Social distancing restrictions imposed by governing authorities or health officials will limit capacity.
        ●    Once we can begin safely, parents must select one of two options and commit to that option for at least a
             six-week period (barring unforeseen illness).
        ●    Preparations are being made to learning and work environments.
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